
We created GAZER™...
because safety matters most.

GAZER™ is an innovative, data-driven, comprehensive safety investment planning tool. This customized, interactive tool brings powerful information to the forefront of decision making by redefining how systemwide safety planning is completed.

Turns Past Data into Future Conditions

Actively gathers crash and roadway data to identify what has happened and forecasts future conditions based on that data. These conditions are analyzed to determine crash trends and patterns, highlighting changes to be made to make your community a safe place for all roadway users.

Maximum Benefits for Your Funding

Aides in prioritization of system investments so funds are widely distributed. Low-cost, high-benefit improvements are added to the on-demand reports, so all options are considered, regardless of price. Safety programs are developed to measure the success of your investments over time, so you can ensure you get the most bang for your buck.

Identification of Potential Mitigation Strategies

Advises on possible outcomes and proposes solutions to mitigate problems. Safety solutions for each location are identified and compared to the crash types and severities using crash modification methods.

Data Specific to You

Developed in coordination with your transportation management system, the tool can be customized with additional measures and safety solutions. Built-in capabilities allow overall analysis layers for big-picture review, specific crash analysis, and expert tools for GIS mapping.

We use the nationally recognized Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria (MMUCC) data format provided
by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). GAZER can be adjusted for specific state and local practices as needed to synchronize with your dataset.

GAZER Highlights

• Interactive roadway system management tool
• Identifies system issues and concerns
• Identifies crash trends and potential problem areas
• Measures change to understand proposed solution impact on safety
• Prioritizes investments for maximized benefit
• Brings powerful information to the forefront of decision making
• Brings projects forward
• Provides valuable institutional knowledge
• Provides proven support for Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) federal funding success

What are the day-to-day safety and traffic management tasks Gazer can help you with? Give us a call at 833-256-9872 today to find out!

Users are bound to the same agreement on the use of the data as required by the State Department of Public Safety and the Department of Transportation. No separate permission is required.

Contact us

Call us for more information or to schedule a full demonstration.
1960 Premier Drive Mankato, MN 56001-5900